In these stimulating Virtual Explorer lessons, we take language immersion to an even higher level, for the more cognitively mature student. Students will learn, discuss, debate and explore the world, both ancient and modern, it’s people, environment, places and their history. Through 360-degree images, an authentic experience is created to travel to faraway places like the Galapagos Islands and closer destinations like the city of London. These lessons are designed to broaden students’ horizons while they are improving their lexis, upgrading their fluency and having fun, all at the same time.
Vyskúšať zadarmoBy the end of Virtual Explorer programme, your child will be able to talk and voice their opinion about:
Students expand vocabulary on the following topics:
Virtual Explorer grammar includes:
Na skúšobnej hodine Vaše dieťa spozná učiteľa,
precvičí si trochu angličtinu a naučí sa nové frázy.
My medzitým otestujeme jeho úroveň
a dáme mu odporúčania týkajúce sa obsahu ďalšej výučby!
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