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“Eat Ice Cream on the Moon” and “Become the Next Santa Claus” – The Dreams of Children Revealed by Novakid

Novakid recently ran a competition entitled “I Have A Dream”, which revealed what children from all over the world dream about and hope to achieve in the future.

Children aged 4 to 15 from 45 countries participated in the competition by sending videos describing their wishes. The 10 winners received an iPad or a year of English lessons.

What do children all over the world dream about?

Novakid investigated the entries and discovered that in Italy, children’s most imaginative dreams are to travel the world and own their own luxury hotel. However, the first prize went to a little girl whose dream is to be able to visit her family in Australia through a volunteer charity program.

In France, an imaginative child plans to become Santa’s replacement when he retires. In Germany, there are those who are preparing to become the next Archimedes, as they want to build robots that can solve problems, while in Spain, many have expressed the desire to eliminate hunger in the world and give all children the same opportunities for the future.

In Russia, there are those who want to become Olympic champions or cosmonauts, while in Poland, many look to the footballer Lewandowski as an example to follow, and others wish to become a superhero.

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In the countries of the Middle East, a child would like to fly to the moon to discover a house made of candies and chocolates, and in Turkey, a child is studying a method to keep his snowman from melting.

Max Azarov, CEO and Co-Founder of Novakid said, “Despite the incredibly rapid pace of modern life, English remains a vital language. A person’s ability to speak English gives them the freedom to travel without a language barrier, to apply to the world’s best universities or to build a career in other countries. We hope that this competition raises awareness of how our platform can assist children to learn English and work towards achieving their dreams.”

The winners of the “I Have a Dream” competition

Sophie from Spain dreams of becoming a vet and to dance all over the world.

Greta from Germany dreams of flying to New York to become a scientist and build a robot to help people.

Giorgia from Italy dreams of volunteering and participating in charity events to help children who are less fortunate than herself.

Yusuf Ege from Turkey dreams of becoming a pilot.

Hania from Poland dreams of traveling to every country in the world.

Nastya from Russia dreams of going to Disneyland.

Sammy from Jordan dreams of becoming a pilot.

Tateno from Japan dreams of becoming a treasure hunter.

Reika from Indonesia dreams of becoming a singer and writing her own songs.

Seonyul Oh from Korea aspires to become a singer, dancer, artist and doctor, and he dreams of meeting many interesting people.

Congratulations to all the winners of the competition!
We hope that with Novakid, your dreams will come true!

If your child is not yet learning English at Novakid, it’s time to sign them up for a free trial lesson. In the class, the teacher will conduct a full lesson, show you the platform and determine the level of English of your child. To sign up for the lesson, follow this link. The dreams for the future start here!

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