When to use "C" and "K" in words?

Hi there
Thank you for your question.
· The basic rule is that in 1-syllable words we use the letter 'c' with the vowels a, o, u.
For example: cat, cot, cut.
It is also important to note that the 'c' is most commonly used at the beginning of words as seen above.
· We use the letter 'k' with the vowels i and e.
For example: kite, kettle, kitten
· But, as an additional area of information as this question is also asked quite a bit, remember that the consonant digraph 'ck' is only used at the end of 1-syllable words when the /k/ sound IMMEDIATELY follows a vowel.
For example: duck, buck, quack, quick and so forth.
I hope this helps answer your question. Please feel free to send through any further questions you may have and we will gladly assist in answering them for you!