Difference and Usage of Gerunds and Infinitives with Examples

This is a great question:
Gerunds - These are verbs that have 'ing' added to them which makes them function as a noun in the sentence - for example: 'I love playing football'. In this example, 'love' is the verb and 'playing' functions as the noun.
Infinitives - These are also verbs that are preceded by the word 'to'. As in the case of gerunds, when this happens, they can't function as verbs anymore. For example: 'I love to play football'. In this example, 'love' is the verb and 'to play' functions as the noun.
To sum up: In both instances, the base verb is changed in some way and it takes on a different role in the sentence. Both examples mentioned above mean the same thing. They are just phrased differently.
I hope these examples help you!