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Happy Choir Flashmob by Novakid has united 1.5 million listeners around the world

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In February, 18 talented Novakid students performed a cover version of Pharrell Williams’ Happy song inviting everyone to join the flashmob – perform the song and post the video on social networks with the hashtags #novakid_happy #happy #pharrellwilliams.

One of the Happy cover’s soloists was Antonina Kraszewska, the 11-year-old star of the first stage of the Polish project The Voice Kids. Last year, as part of the main prize in the Novakid’s MusicKid music competition, she recorded Birdy’s beautiful song “People Help The People”. The recording took place in a professional studio, assisted by Piotr Rubik, famous Polish composer.

It was possible to participate in the Happy Choir Flashmob until mid-April, then the jury selected the 19 best videos – the winners will receive speakers and professional headphones so that music brings them even more joy!

Hundreds of flashmob participants posted their videos on social networks. Among the winners Emir from Russia who came up with his own movements for the Happy dance as well as Sophie from Spain did. Yasmine from Italy turned into a Disney princess especially for Happy flashmob, while Salma and Sila from Jordan decided to participate in the Happy flashmob with their adorable pet!

The whole list of winners is already published on our social media!

“Music, like the study of foreign languages, has no boundaries. The flash mob once again demonstrated that our platform is the best place to take the first step towards victory in anything, says Amy Krolevetskaya, Novakid’s Studies Director. – Performing songs in English helps to get rid of embarrassment and fear of an accent or incorrect pronunciation. Music helps you feel the language and improve your skills, and our students have proved it”.

All the winners took part in the next recording of the Happy Novakid choir already released on Novakid’s YouTube channel.

Clap along with Novakid students from all over the world!

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