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Novakid explores extracurricular education trends across the globe

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In today’s interconnected world, parents are increasingly recognising the importance of providing their children with a well-rounded education that goes beyond traditional academics. As the educational landscape evolves, so do the preferences and priorities of parents when it comes to extracurricular activities.

Novakid, Europe’s leading online English school for children, conducted a survey involving over 7,500 parents from France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, to study their preferences and spending patterns concerning children’s (aged 4 to 12) extracurricular activities during the 2022-2023 academic year

Most popular extracurricular activities – from English to sport

From Spain to Saudi Arabia, and Germany to Turkey, the demand for extracurricular activities is high.

For example, sporting activities such as swimming, lead the pack in Germany, engaging over 60% of parents. Meanwhile, Italian parents alongside sports (soccer, karate, basketball) enroll their children in art classes – music, and dance. Courses in IT, coding and chess prevail in countries such as France and Turkey. 

However, almost all the respondents from these countries sign up for tutoring in specific school subjects. 

Max Azarov, CEO of Novakid, explains: “Competitiveness and the perception that school demands are increasing, continue to motivate parents to seek complementary education outside the classroom.” 

Notably, English language courses are in great demand. Here are some numbers of the parents took part in the research who chose the English language courses as extracurricular activity for their children:

  • 67.5% in Spain
  • 43% in Italy
  • 31% in France
  • 59.7% in Turkey
  • 64% in Saudi Arabia

English proficiency continues to be a universal priority for parents across these countries. The ability to communicate in English is widely recognised as a valuable skill that equips children for success in an interconnected world. 

Despite the fact that English is thought of as a second language in most of these countries, parents most often lean towards private tutoring, which can be explained by insufficient programmes in school. Most teaching methods don’t keep up with technological developments, and schools are forced to adhere to certain teaching standards. Private tutors are more flexible and can adjust their lessons according to children’s needs and abilities.  

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In-person versus online

The decision between in-person and online extracurricular activities is influenced by factors such as convenience, cost and learning preferences. In-person classes offer direct interaction and social engagement, while online formats provide flexibility, accessibility, and often lower costs.

In Spain, 67.4% of parents prefer in-person lessons over online (41.1%). Interestingly, the online format is chosen by younger parents (under 35), as this caters to their busy schedules. Older parents lean towards the traditional approach of in-person classes, valuing the interpersonal interaction they offer.

Only 17% of French parents report not enrolling their children in online courses, indicating a strong trend towards digital learning. Respondents from Germany (33.3%) opt for online education, since it’s more cost-effective than offline format.

Spending patterns: 87% spend over $100 on English lessons

Extracurricular activities are an investment, and spending patterns reflect parents’ priorities. The data reveals that in-person activities tend to incur higher costs, with parents allocating varying budgets. 

Online options, on the other hand, often present a more economical choice. In Spain, for instance, the survey demonstrates that online English courses are perceived as a cost-effective alternative.

Of the parents who enrolled their children in in-person English classes in Spain, 53.7% spent over $100 monthly on their education; 32.4% spent up to $200; and 12.5% spent up to $300. 

55% of Germans allocate up to $100 monthly, and only 21% invest between $100 and $200 in online English courses for their children. 

Over a third (36%) of Italian parents opting for in-person English courses spent less than $100 per month, with spending reaching up to $200 for only one in four parents. 

The survey in France shows that digital learning is cheaper than in-person courses, with a higher percentage of parents spending less than $100 per month (47% and 41% respectively).

Turkish parents who opt for online English courses tend to spend less. Among these parents, 39.9% indicated expenses below $80.

Despite economic challenges, parents are willing to enhance their children’s language skills. A considerable proportion of respondents express a readiness to invest substantial sums in extracurricular English courses.

The commitment of parents across Europe and the Middle East to their children’s education remains unwavering. As the digital age continues to evolve, education evolves with it, offering myriad opportunities for children to excel and thrive. As we navigate an ever-changing world, these extracurricular pursuits stand as pillars of growth, preparing the younger generation for a future that demands adaptability and knowledge.

Novakid, the driving force behind this survey, is a leading online language school catering to children aged 4 to 12. The platform provides captivating and interactive English language lessons, all of which are facilitated by skilled educators. The Novakid’s commitment to delivering exceptional education is clearly demonstrated by its adherence to global language learning standards and its pioneering use of technology to enhance the teaching process.



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