What is the difference between "affect" and "effect"?
One common mistake everyone makes, both beginners and experienced speakers alike, is the difference between “affect” and “effect”. Let’s get to the bottom of this common problem!
Let’s first see what these inconspicuous words even mean! We will see that through some examples. “The dark paint color will have the effect of making the room look smaller” – effect here means that it is a change, for better or for worse. How about affect? “A boring lesson can negatively affect a student’s and teacher’s day” – here affect means that something can positively or negatively change something.
Let’s use our example from above: “A boring lesson can negatively affect a student’s and teacher’s day”. Can we transform this sentence with “effect”? Sure we can! “A boring lesson can have a negative effect on a student’s and teacher’s day” Now you can see the difference! “Affect” is a verb, and must be used as a verb, whereas “effect” is a noun!
Do you have any other words that trouble you? Please leave them down in the comments and we will explain them!