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How to pronounce "bouillabaisse"?

How to pronounce "bouillabaisse"?
Dear Miss, my friend excitedly shared a recipe for bouillabaisse. As we discussed making it together, I realized I had no clue how to pronounce it correctly and decided to ask you for help before embarrassing myself in the kitchen))
Last update: 5 months ago
1 answers
Lauren P
Lauren P
Lauren P - Tutor account
Near Native Speaker

Pronunciation: boo-yuh-BEHS (the stressed is on the capitalised letters)

Phonetic spelling: boo-yuh-BES

IPA format: /ˌbuː.jəˈbeɪs/

Example sentence: "Let's make bouillabaisse for dinner tonight!"

Explanation: Bouillabaisse is a fancy French word for a yummy fish stew. It's pronounced like "boo-yuh-BEHS." Imagine you're saying "boo" like you're scared, then "yuh" like you're thinking, and "BEHS" like you're saying "best" but with the stress on the "BEHS" part. So altogether, it's "boo-yuh-BEHS." Bouillabaisse is a special dish with lots of different kinds of fish and yummy flavors. 

Hope this helps! 

Last update: 1 month ago
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