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The Stories the Kids Will Read: Novakid Gives Magic Academy Book to Children

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Novakid online English school has released its first children’s book – Novakid Magic Academy – and has shared this book with its clients free of charge.

Novakid was inspired to provide its students with the chance to fully immerse themselves into the Novakid Magic Academy realm by publishing a book that follows the same storyline as the gamified lessons with the same name.

Books with an engaging and entertaining storyline are bound to entertain children. This fairytale Magic Academy story allows young readers to dive into an exciting adventure with Alex and his new friends from the Magic Academy, Luna and Astro. Together they create an intricate tale that includes other students of the Magic Academy and fighting against mischievous gremlins.

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The plot of the book unfolds in the real and magical worlds intertwined with each other, so that children believe in a fairy tale and see the magic around them. Of course, there’s no good fairy tale without a magic language!

Language is like magic, it gives our thoughts a voice through the wave of a magic wand. The language in our everyday life, in particular English, helps us to work, travel, and understand each other. That is why English is also the magic language in the fairytale. Plus, it has a magical function: not a single portal will open doors without a spell in English!

Egor Saksin, storyteller and author of “Novakid Magic Academy”

This book is the prequel in a series and tells the story about the origin of the Novakid Magic Academy. By reading it to your child, he or she will want to join the Magic Academy and go on a new adventure with Luna and Astro. As a Novakid student, your child will have a lot of fun while gaining skills in English that will enable them to take advantage of opportunities to lead a more vibrant and exciting life.

Max Azarov, founder and CEO of Novakid

The Novakid Magic Academy book is written for readers aged between 8 and 12 years old with any level of English knowledge. Novakid is sure that the marvelous detective story about Alex and his friends will become one of your child’s favorite stories!

Get the Novakid Magic Academy book for your child for free

Novakid is giving its new Novakid Magic Academy book free of charge to all students!

To get the book for your child sign up for a trial lesson at Novakid via this link and indicate a promo code MAGICBOOK when signing up for a trial lesson (via “Enter a friend’s code”). Novakid will send you the Novakid Magic Academy book after your registration.

We believe that good stories will always find their readers!

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