Discover seven exciting ESL games designed to engage young learners in language learning. From interactive word games to creative role-play scenarios, these fun activities make learning enjoyable and effective for kids!
Are you looking for exciting ways to make English learning fun for young learners? Look no further! Engaging young students in language can be both enjoyable and effective through the use of interactive ESL games. But with so many options available, where do you start? In this article, we’ll explore seven fun ESL games designed specifically to engage young learners.

8 Fun ESL Games
In today’s world, keeping children engaged in their English lessons can be a challenge. However, by using interactive games in your teaching approach, you can create an environment where learning feels like play.
Each game in this collection has been carefully selected to cater to different learning styles and language abilities. From kinetic learners who thrive on movement to visual learners who benefit from colorful, interactive materials, there’s something for everyone!
Let’s explore eight fun ESL games to engage young learners.
Game 1: Simon Says
Simon Says is a classic ESL game where the objective is to follow commands given by the leader, but only if the command is preceded by the phrase “Simon says.” This game promotes listening and vocabulary skills by requiring players to listen to and understand the instructions. Players expand their vocabulary as they learn new action verbs and adjectives through the commands. For beginners, commands can be simple actions like “Simon says clap your hands,” while more advanced learners can be challenged with complex instructions such as “Simon says touch your nose with your left hand and hop on one foot.”
Game 2: Word Bingo
Word Bingo is an engaging ESL game where players mark off words on their bingo cards as the teacher calls them out. This game benefits vocabulary retention by reinforcing the recognition and comprehension of words in a fun and interactive way. To create bingo cards tailored to ESL learning objectives, simply replace traditional bingo numbers with English words relevant to the lesson theme or vocabulary set. Consider incorporating picture clues or synonyms to help students make connections between words for additional challenges and variations.
Game 3: Charades
Charades is a lively ESL game focusing on communication and gesture expression. Players act out words or phrases without speaking, while others guess what they are depicting. To ensure success, select vocabulary or topics that are familiar to the learners and relevant to their language level. For example, for beginner-level students, charade prompts could include “brushing teeth” or “jumping rope,” while more advanced learners could act out phrases like “flying a kite” or “building a sandcastle.”
Game 4: Story Chain
Story Chain is an interactive ESL game for collaboration and creativity. In this game, students work together to build a story one sentence at a time, with each participant adding a new sentence to the narrative. To initiate and continue a story chain, establish a starting sentence and encourage students to take turns contributing to the storyline. Incorporating language structures and vocabulary is effortless as students naturally incorporate new words and grammar into their sentences while advancing the plot.
Game 6: Around the World
Around the World is an ESL game that focuses on rapid vocabulary recall and friendly competition. In this game, students compete to be the first to correctly answer vocabulary or language-related questions. To play Around the World in the ESL classroom, seat students in a circle and designate one student as the “traveler.” Adapt the game for different language levels and age groups by adjusting the complexity of questions or providing visual aids for younger learners.
Game 7: Role-Play Scenarios
Role-play scenarios offer young ESL learners a dynamic way to practice language skills in real-life situations. By assuming different roles and engaging in conversations, students can enhance their speaking, listening, and comprehension abilities. When selecting or creating role-play scenarios, consider topics that are relevant and engaging for ESL learners, such as ordering food at a restaurant or asking for directions.
Game 8: Alphabet Race
Alphabet Race is an ESL game that focuses on alphabet recognition and vocabulary building. In this game, students compete to be the first to identify words starting with each letter of the alphabet. Incorporating additional challenges and variations, such as setting time limits or introducing bonus points for creativity, can enhance the excitement and learning experience.
And so, incorporating these 8 fun ESL games into your teaching can transform language learning into an enjoyable experience for young learners. By using engagement and interaction, these activities create a positive and dynamic learning environment for learning English!