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English teachers at Novakid: requirements for candidates, plus teachers’ stories

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At Novakid, our native-speaking teachers come from the USA, the UK, Ireland, South Africa, the Philippines and other countries all over the world.

We take the recruitment of English teachers for our online school very seriously. All our teachers go through a multi-stage selection process.

Applicants for teaching positions with the Novakid online English language school must meet the following requirements:

  • At least C1 level in English according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Common European Framework of Reference, CEFR). Children learn by imitation, so correct pronunciation is extremely important.
  • A higher education qualification, preferably in teaching/education or languages/linguistics
  • Teaching experience. There is no question that teaching a foreign language to children — is a real art form!
  • Personal qualities. Children absorb knowledge when they are interested. Therefore, capturing the child’s interest is the teacher’s most important task.

Thanks to the careful selection process our teachers go through, Novakid students can learn English equally effectively with both native and bilingual teachers.

As well as checking their international certificates and work experience, when we select teachers at Novakid, we test their ability to work with children. Only a specialist with sufficient emotional intelligence can build trust with a child quickly and get onto the same wavelength as them, even during digital classes.

The online English teachers at Novakid

Strict selection criteria help Novakid select talented and experienced teachers. However, what is most important is the teacher’s personality, and their love for the profession and for children. A word from the English teachers at Novakid!

— How does teaching English to children differ from teaching it to adults?

— Kids learn differently from adults. When you teach adults something new, they tend to think like “Ah, I could have learned that from someone or somewhere else,” but when you teach children something new, they think that you are the only one who knows that and that you are the best teacher in the world.

Are you a parent and want to share your experience?
Reach out to tell your story.

— How did you first get involved with teaching English at Novakid?

— As the eldest daughter in my family, it has been my duty to look after my siblings. I love being around kids and talking to them about anything under the sun. They have the purest hearts and the kindest souls. So after I graduated college, I pursued my passion which is teaching.

— What do you enjoy about teaching English to children?

— The best part about teaching English to children is seeing how they grow and build confidence in learning a new language. At first, they are shy and they don’t know how to say “Hello” or introduce themselves. After a few lessons at Novakid, these students grow in their ability to communicate in English, they build so much confidence that they start talking and sharing other things in class. This is a memorable event and something that always keeps me motivated.

Put your child in the hands of the teachers at the Novakid online English language school. Sign up for a trial lesson. It’s free!

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