The age of 6-7 is one of the most important stages in a child’s life. On the one hand, their lifestyle changes and physical, nervous and psychological stress increases. Fortunately, on the other hand, this is also the most effective period for learning the language.
ՓՈՐՁԵԼ ԱՆՎՃԱՐAt this age, the child retains their natural mechanism for learning speech and has a well developed involuntary memory. Visual and auditory memory are dominant in the perception of information. Children are becoming more cognitive, imaginative and creative. And the absence of fear of communication helps to avoid a language barrier.
The Novakid programme takes into account the age characteristics of children aged 6 and 7 in order to successfully learn English.
The Online English Programme for senior preschoolers and first graders in Novakid takes into account the most important psychological features of children of 6-7 years of age. These are: the preference for interactive, motor, creative or playful activities; the basic inability to focus attention for a long time; and the desire to get praise and be the first/best at everything.
For this reason, in every class in Novakid children play, sing, dance, draw, charging positive emotions and getting stars for the right answers.
At Novakid the child is completely immersed in an English-speaking environment, which means that they hear and learn to listen to English and understand without translation. They respond with their knowledge of the spoken language.
As a result, after 2-3 months of regular English lessons in Novakid, the child begins to communicate, especially in basic spoken English. By the end of the course, they can hold a simple conversation about themselves such as name, the time, counting to 20 and much more.
Փորձնական դասի ժամանակ ձեր երեխան կծանոթանա ուսուցչի հետ,
փոքր-ինչ գործնական վարժություն կկատարի անգլերեն և կսովորի նոր արտահայտություններ:
Այդ ընթացքում մենք կփորձարկենք նրա լեզվի իմացության մակարդակը
և կանենք առաջարկություններ հետագա ուսուցման համար: